Telementoring & Echo Programs

Telementoring links provider specialist teams with primary care clinicians in local communities. Together, they participate in regular online clinics, which are like virtual grand rounds, combined with mentoring and patient case presentations.

The Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) movement utilizes this Hub and Spoke model to create an ongoing learning community where primary care clinicians receive support and develop the skills needed to treat a specific condition in a collaborative environment. 

Pregnancy Wellness in SC

Pregnancy Wellness in SC ECHO will provide telementoring support to current and future providers across the state of South Carolina. Our MFM team brings together a network of physicians and dieticians from different health systems working together to support Maternal Fetal health in SC. Learn more about the pregnancy wellness program.

Project ECHO for Opioid Use Disorder

SC MAT ACCESS is leveraging the ECHO model to provide telementoring support to current and future MAT providers across the state of South Carolina. Our ECHO clinics feature brief, user-driven didactic content relevant to opioid use disorders and office-based MAT, delivered by national experts in the treatment of opioid use disorders. Learn more about Project ECHO.

SC Hepatitis C Telehealth Initiative

The South Carolina Heapatitis C Telehealth Initiative offers education, training, consultative support, and patient co-management for healthcare providers interested in or providing screening, testing, staging, and treatment of HCV mono-infected and HIV/HCV co-infected patients. The initiative covers the spectrum of topics related to HCV medicine, and assists providers in navigating the complex aspects of HCV patient care management. Learn more about the SC Hepatitis C Telehealth Initiative.